Now that the COVID state of emergency is over:

You all know better than anyone, COVID is not over. Yet, the state of emergency declaration is over, and things seem to be getting back to normal. Or should we say… a new normal.

Our consultants will be making in person unannounced visits again…. we have missed seeing you!

Our staff is very aware that all is not back to normal,and we will seek to make our visit as comfortable and safe as possible. Please let us know if you have any protocols we need to be aware of.

We understand you may still have issues finding the right foods to meet the meal pattern. Please contact your consultant if this is the case. We will work with you to ensure you are not losing meal payments!

How does not having the waivers affect your child care?

Child Care Homes and Centers in a Residence:

Tiering: The tiering waiver has now expired effective June 30, 2023. Some of our childcare homes will go back to tier 2 rates. Please let us know if your income has changed or if you believe you are eligible for a higher rate.

Child Care Centers:

Keep your enrollment and  income forms up to date to reflect their current income. If you believe a parents income has changed (reduced) you can collect a new application. This document is good for a year, and it could increase your payment rate and your meal reimbursement.   Note that we have an electronic enroll/income form click below or on the Parent Portal page.

Submit Your Child Enrollment Docs Here >>

Are staff meals reimbursable for Child Care Centers?

The meals are not reimbursable, but the cost of ingredients used to make staff meals may be included in the centers cost documentation. This is an excellent way to ensure that children see teachers eat the same healthy meals that they receive as well as an employee retention benefit.  Be sure when you advertise  for new staff that you mention “employees receive free meals”.

How is the best way for me to submit my paperwork to you?

Some of the CNP staff are still working from home. We prefer you submit your paperwork electronically. Talk to your consultant about the best way to report, and if you have not been trained on ShareFile, request the training now.

How can I get in touch with my consultant?

Call the office, all calls are being forwarded to our receptionist. Or leave a message in your consultants’ mailbox, and we will return your call. In addition, we check email often, so email your consultant and we will respond quickly.